Lanier Lab

mammal evolution | biodiversity | conservation

Understanding change in the Anthropocene

May of the projects in my lab group use museum specimens to gain a deeper understanding of the changes taking place in the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene—the geological epoch defined by the profound impact of human activities on the planet—is marked by rapid alterations to habitats, temperature, precipitation patterns, and fire regimes. By examining specimens or the data from specimens we can better understand how these changes have affected existing species and shaped the biosphere. These studies provide critical insights into the impact of human activities and can inform decisions on how to manage and preserve the environment for future generations. As an invaluable historical record of species and ecosystems, museum specimens help us understand the incredible diversity and complexity of life on Earth and highlight the consequences of losing species and habitats.

Abundance of voles and dermic before and after the 2016 fire at our study sites near Yellowstone.

One prime example of this phenomenon is the shift between red-backed voles and deermice in North America. Voles are known to dominate in old-growth pine forests, but wildfires can lead to their replacement by deermice. As the forest matures, the dominance shifts back to voles. In a recent study, master’s student Addison Allen used stable isotopes from museum specimens, combined with mammal trapping data, to demonstrate that competitive release plays a role in this species replacement dynamic. Predicting range shifts of organisms in the future requires an understanding of both habitat preferences and behavioral traits, such as competitive advantage.

Carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures (δ13C and δ15N) of deermice and red-backed voles shift from (a) prefire to (b) postfire (both axes are the same).


Congratulations to Addison Allen for her well-deserved recognition through the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) this spring! Addison received an honorable mention for her research on the role of competition in re-structuring small mammal communities after a forest fire.

Now recruiting!

Collared pika perched atop a granite rock.
A collared pika surveys the scene along the Denali Highway. Photo (c) Moose Peterson.

I am seeking a PhD student interested in mammalian evolutionary ecology and genomics to join my lab at the University of Oklahoma and the Sam Noble Museum for Fall of 2019. Potential projects include (1) impacts of population structure on local adaptation, (2) evolutionary genomics and comparative phylogeography, or (3) examining the population genetic responses to fire disturbance. Most of the projects in my lab group focus on small mammals (e.g., pikas, marmots, chipmunks) and integrate the use of museum collections. Students with interest or previous experience with molecular techniques, population genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, statistics and/or small mammal fieldwork are particularly encouraged to apply. I am working to foster an open, diverse and inclusive research environment, and applications which indicate a high level of curiosity, creativity and collaborative potential are most likely to be successful. 

Please note that the Department of Biology application deadline is December 15!
